2024台北捷運攜手潮臺北系列活動-臺北爵士音樂節,在8/26-9/6 期間,透過系列活動與演出,以捷運為載體,由爵士樂串起台北城市的各個角落,邀請民眾從通勤日常開始與台北捷運一起享受爵士音樂的鬆弛搖擺。
Taipei Metro, as a major public transportation system, not only aims to provide reliable and comfortable transit services but also enrich the cultural lives of its passengers. By utilizing its stations and public spaces, Taipei Metro transforms commuting into a cultural experience.
In 2024, Taipei Metro partners with the *Chao Taipei* series to host the *Taipei Jazz Festival* from August 26 to September 6. Through performances and events across the city, jazz music will flow through Taipei, inviting commuters to relax and sway with the rhythm of jazz as part of their daily journeys.