台北捷運|永續展: 捷運長成了一棵大樹

台北捷運公司為了展現向下扎根永續經營的理念,於2024年5月24日在兒童樂園舉辦「2024台北捷運永續展:捷運長成了一棵大樹」。這場展覽的策展靈感來自捷運的五大永續主題「安全、和諧、智慧、中立、效率」,並用一棵樹的成長歷程來揭示永續發展的重要性,搭配「Go Greener, SHINE Brighter」的口號。


To showcase its commitment to sustainable operations rooted in the local community, Taipei Metro Corporation hosted the “2024 Taipei Metro Sustainability Exhibition: Transforming the Metro into a Giant Tree” on May 24, 2024, at Taipei Children’s Amusement Park. Inspired by the Metro’s five sustainability pillars—Safety, Harmony, Intelligence, Neutrality, and Efficiency—the exhibition uses the growth journey of a tree to highlight the importance of sustainable development, under the motto “Go Greener, SHINE Brighter.”

The exhibition reflects the life cycle of a tree, from seed to flourishing, symbolizing Taipei Metro’s evolution from its inception to its current, indispensable role in citizens’ daily lives. Through this exhibition, Taipei Metro aims to inspire public support for its sustainability efforts, encouraging citizens to embrace public transport and adopt eco-friendly practices in daily life, fostering a collective role in environmental stewardship.

Year 2024
Client Group.G, Taipei Metro
Contribution Offline Communication, Social Communication, Offline Events, Curation, Pop-Up Activation, Design


本次展覽的展示材料皆以永續環保材質為主進行製作,主要展區使用可回收的瓦愣紙板及紙箱作為主材料,進一步體現台北捷運對環保和永續發展的承諾,這些材質不僅環保,還能有效降低碳足跡,符合台北捷運「Go Greener, SHINE Brighter」的宗旨之外,也期望喚醒民眾對於環保的意識。

The exhibition’s displays are crafted primarily from sustainable, eco-friendly materials, with the main exhibition area using recyclable corrugated cardboard and boxes. This choice underscores Taipei Metro’s commitment to environmental sustainability, aligning with the “Go Greener, SHINE Brighter” vision. These materials not only reduce carbon footprints but also aim to raise public awareness about environmental responsibility.

Exhibition Design


The exhibition venue is divided into five main themes, combining restructured information with engaging, interactive installations. This creates an all-ages exhibition space that is both playful for children and informative for adults, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


The first area presents the exhibition’s main theme and visual identity, using staggered, geometrically arranged cardboard boxes to display icons from the main visual design. This arrangement creates a symbolic representation of sustainable material use, reinforcing the exhibition’s commitment to environmental responsibility.


The second area, the Environmentally Friendly Display Zone, utilizes 3D data representations to showcase Taipei Metro’s effective results in electricity conservation and energy savings. The data is transformed into three-dimensional building blocks, enhancing the visual impact of the statistics and inspiring children’s imagination about a sustainable future.


The third area, the Operational Sustainability Display Zone, showcases Taipei Metro’s achievements in social responsibility, corporate governance, and transportation efficiency while creating a sustainable environment. The goal is to convey the diverse corporate identity of Taipei Metro and help the public gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability efforts behind their daily commutes. The design of this area integrates metro imagery, featuring staggered cardboard boxes combined with metro indicators, the colors of the five metro lines, and route designs.


The fourth area, the Public Engagement Display Zone, showcases Taipei Metro’s diverse public participation topics and activities from recent years. This section is presented through digital and multi-faceted cardboard designs, brilliantly highlighting the captivating charm of these events.



The final area is the Interactive Activity Zone, which features creative topics related to sustainability, guiding visitors and children through quizzes that encourage them to reflect on sustainable issues in the metro system. A large Sudoku puzzle is also created, where each set consists of three questions, hints, and answers. Once completed, the back reveals a related sustainability design. Additionally, a life-sized Monopoly game made from cardboard combines sustainable actions with environmental protection themes, inviting children to participate in a friendly competition and become practical players who truly understand sustainable living.

This area also features a striking centerpiece: a cardboard wishing tree designed for sustainability. It will showcase future vision topics, and blank boxes will be placed around the tree, inviting visitors to hang their sustainability wishes. This enhances the ceremonial experience of the exhibition and allows sustainability aspirations to continue beyond the event.

Client| Taipei Metro 台北捷運
Curator| Sasa Fang
Account Excutive| Hsi Wei Elvi Huang
Graphic Designer| t_py MooC Chen Elsa Lin zhongyiwen
Special thanks| Khiva Chuang