Creative Packaging
Group.G將今年頒獎典禮主題訂為「多元融匯 無邊淬鍊 」,意即在這座多元的城市中,無數個看似平凡的日常,透過各種不同的形式,融匯於藝術家的每一分、每一秒,那些轉瞬即逝的瞬間,化為文學、畫布、影像、雕塑、戲劇,發展成無邊的文化,而新北市廣納各種形式的藝術,包容各式存在於此的現實與夢境,匯聚成超乎想像之外的文化風景。
New Taipei City is a circular metropolis where diverse cultures coexist with mountains and the sea. People from all directions have come to take root and settle here, shaping distinct industrial clusters and cultural landscapes across its districts. Through this convergence, a unique urban scenery and cultural identity emerge, sparking endless creative inspirations. Artists living in New Taipei draw from these rich encounters, refining them into their daily creative expressions.
This year, Group.G has chosen **”Diverse Convergence, Boundless Refinement”** as the theme for the awards ceremony. In this multicultural city, countless seemingly ordinary moments are woven into the fabric of artistic expression—capturing fleeting inspirations and transforming them into literature, paintings, films, sculptures, and theater. New Taipei embraces all forms of art, encompassing both reality and dreams, merging them into an extraordinary cultural landscape beyond imagination.
每屆的得獎人皆是在新北市的文化領域中長期深耕的推手,他們一生對於志業的積累淬鍊令人動容。本次影像紀錄規劃Group.G 以得獎人的視野出發,帶領觀影者看見得獎人對於文化的多年積累、融匯在生活中對於志業的堅持及生活中的那些創作日常。整體影像紀錄以自然、貼近人心的紀錄方式,在有限的時間內,發揚得獎人在文化貢獻上的感動,進而產生對於新北文化的認同與共鳴。
Visual Design
Using “smoke” as a metaphor, the visual design captures New Taipei City’s ever-evolving and dynamic cultural landscape. The design mimics typography, blending traditional artistry with contemporary aesthetics. By breaking free from conventional letterforms, the expressive strokes resemble drifting smoke, symbolizing the city’s continuous cultural transformation and evolution.
Awards Ceremony
The New Taipei Culture Awards were established to honor those who dedicate their lives to transforming the ordinary into extraordinary creations. Centered around the award recipients, the ceremony features exclusive exhibitions and documentary screenings, casting a well-deserved spotlight on these artists. It serves as a gathering where creators encourage one another to keep pushing artistic boundaries while celebrating the ongoing achievements of New Taipei’s cultural journey.
Awardee Documentary
Each year’s awardees are long-standing pioneers in New Taipei’s cultural landscape, whose dedication and craftsmanship leave a lasting impact. This year, Group.G takes a documentary approach from the recipients’ perspectives, offering an intimate look at their lifelong commitment, how their work intertwines with daily life, and the creative process behind their art. The film captures their stories in an organic and heartfelt manner, ensuring that within a limited runtime, their cultural contributions resonate deeply—fostering a greater appreciation and sense of connection to New Taipei’s rich heritage.