台北捷運|On Track 爵士快線


2024台北捷運攜手潮臺北系列活動-臺北爵士音樂節,在8/26-9/6 期間,透過系列活動與演出,以捷運為載體,由爵士樂串起台北城市的各個角落,邀請民眾從通勤日常開始與台北捷運一起享受爵士音樂的鬆弛搖擺。

Taipei Metro, as a major public transportation system, not only aims to provide reliable and comfortable transit services but also enrich the cultural lives of its passengers. By utilizing its stations and public spaces, Taipei Metro transforms commuting into a cultural experience.
In 2024, Taipei Metro partners with the *Chao Taipei* series to host the *Taipei Jazz Festival* from August 26 to September 6. Through performances and events across the city, jazz music will flow through Taipei, inviting commuters to relax and sway with the rhythm of jazz as part of their daily journeys.

Year 2024
Client Group.G, Taipei Metro
Contribution Offline Communication, Social Communication, Offline Events, Pop-Up Activation, Design

Creative Packaging

Group.G 以英文字Track定名,Track兼具軌道和歌曲的概念,象徵列車音樂活動讓音樂與軌道在台北捷運相遇,列車乘載創造音樂的爵士樂手、喜愛音樂的民眾一起前往臺北爵士音樂節同樂,為所到之處帶來自由的樂音,以捷運為載體,由爵士樂串起台北城市的各個角落,邀請民眾從通勤日常開始與台北捷運一起享受爵士音樂的鬆弛搖擺。

Group.G named their event *Track*, a word that embodies both “railway” and “song,” symbolizing the fusion of music and metro tracks during the Taipei Metro’s music events. Jazz musicians and music lovers alike will ride the trains, heading toward the Taipei Jazz Festival together, bringing the sound of freedom wherever they go. Using the metro as a vessel, jazz music will flow through every corner of the city, inviting passengers to relax and swing with the rhythm during their daily commute.

Key Visual Design


Platform 1 For Jazz Night


The visual design transforms the sound of Taipei Metro announcements into a tangible image, using the perspective of a train arriving at the platform. It combines various instruments to capture the classic charm of jazz music: pink evokes the romance and tenderness of jazz, red symbolizes vitality, blue reflects its depth, yellow embodies freedom, and the black background creates a mysterious nighttime atmosphere. The image captures the moment the “Jazz Train,” carrying music and history, arrives, inviting viewers to embark on a rhythmic and thrilling journey, experiencing the allure of jazz and the city’s unique rhythm.



As a world-renowned public transit system, Taipei Metro not only serves its daily operational duties but also connects Taipei’s unique culture and landscapes through its extensive network. By doing so, it brings a distinctive character to the city, transforming the metro into more than just transportation—it becomes a platform that reflects and enhances the city’s vibrant cultural identity and urban aesthetics.



Taipei Metro collaborates with the Taipei Jazz Festival, organizing a series of in-person events to build momentum and promote the festival. This partnership not only serves as a prelude to the jazz celebration but also generates fresh urban marketing topics, creating a unique buzz for both Taipei City and the Metro system. Through this collaboration, the city’s cultural landscape is enriched, offering new dimensions to public engagement.

MRT Carriage Design

8/26-9/6 以專屬爵士俱樂部車廂彩繪、台北爵士大樂隊製作的限定進站音樂,讓乘客在搭乘捷運時便能體驗爵士輕鬆活潑的美好。在臺北爵士音樂節前夕以1場音樂專車與西門搖擺派對,召集喜愛爵士樂的大眾在捷運列車上聽爵士隨車廂搖擺。

From August 26 to September 6, Taipei Metro will feature jazz club-themed train car designs and limited-edition station arrival music by the Taipei Jazz Big Band, allowing passengers to enjoy the lighthearted charm of jazz during their commute. Before the Taipei Jazz Festival, a special music train and swing party at Ximen Station will invite jazz lovers to sway to the rhythm on board, celebrating jazz in motion.

Pop-Up Event


On September 6 and 7, the Taipei Jazz Big Band will perform a flash mob at various stations along the Tamsui-Xinyi Line, bringing free-spirited melodies to the people of Taipei. Using the metro as a platform, jazz will weave through the city’s corners, transforming everyday commutes into opportunities to experience the beauty of Taipei’s culture. Riding the metro will become not just a routine but a chance to encounter the vibrant cultural scene of the city.

Client| Taipei Metro 台北捷運
Project Director| Sasa Fang
Project Manager| Hsi Wei
Project Excutive| Violet Lin Nana Chen Green Huang
Musician| Taipei Jazz Orchestra 臺北爵士大樂隊
Graphic Designer| zhongyiwen
MRT Carriage Design| Ning Lai
Footage Shooting| 北猿影像製作有限公司 N/A Flim
Director of Photography| 林奇諭
Photographer| 翁悅
Camara Assistant| 歐峻名、郭紹禹
Project Manager| Violet Lin
Behind-the-scenes| 黃尹資 徐浩廷
Special thanks| Khiva Chuang