Under the invitation of the Nagaoka City Government, we have planned a project to promote regional revitalization. Nagaoka City is the second largest city in Niigata Prefecture, known for its rice production. The city has over 16 sake breweries, making it the city with the most breweries within a single administrative region in Japan. To boost local tourism and attract the interest of Taiwanese tourists, Valley Culture Group.G and its Japan branch launched the “SAKE DISCOVERY” project. This project invited Taiwanese designers Liao Xiaozi, Xie Juanzi, and Zheng Yaode to experience a sake brewery tour in the region. Each of them selected one sake from dozens of varieties across nine breweries and redesigned its label. Through this initiative, we aim to broadly promote local specialties and tourist attractions.


Year 2018
Contribution Communication Strategy、Design、Digital Communication、Content Marketing、Offline Comunication、Project Management、Inbound Marketing

Creator: Liao Chun Yu (廖俊裕, Liao Xiaozi)

The sake brewery “Echimeijo” in Tochio Town. The design was inspired by the ridgelines of the mountains seen from the Tochio Castle ruins and the beauty of the rice fields and vegetation. The calligraphy of “Yamashiroya” meticulously focuses on each character’s details, expressing the nature of Tochio where the sake is made.

  • Brewery: Echimeijo
  • Sake Brand: Yamashiroya
  • Region: Omachi Town, Tochio Town, Nagaoka City
  • Inspired Music: Link

Creator: Cheng Yao Te (鄭曜德)

Inspired by this tour, I first created a modern visual and worldview. The latter part of the slides illustrates this process. To differentiate from others, I chose a blue bottle and matched the visual accordingly. By placing the label on the back of the bottle, an interesting visual effect and worldview are created through the glass and liquid. This design expresses the tranquil yet powerful and beautiful nature of this sake and Nagaoka.

  • Brewery: Not specified
  • Sake Brand: Not specified
  • Region: Entire Nagaoka

Creator: Hsieh Chih Cheng (謝志誠, Hsieh Juanzi)

This design was inspired by Ofuku Brewery’s “Echigo no Yukidoke Yogurt Liqueur” and the captivating snow of Nagaoka. The bottom of the label is transparent, allowing the sake inside to be visible, representing the snow of Nagaoka. The design aims to capture the emotions from the tour with a cute aesthetic, evoking a story, and considering scenes where women enjoy the drink.

  • Brewery: Ofuku Brewery
  • Sake Brand: Echigo no Yukidoke Yogurt Liqueur
  • Region: Yokomakura Town, Nagaoka City
Client| 長岡市役所
Creative Agency| Group.G
Director| Fang Yen Wen
Designer| 廖俊裕、鄭曜德、謝志誠